
Welcome on the website of ‘Trompetnet.nl’ where you can find your online trumpet teacher. In the menu you can find more information about the teacher, on which brass instruments lessons are possible and on which platforms good quality lessons can be achieved. Trumpet lessons with ‘Trompetnet.nl’ are for young and old, beginner and advanced with the opportunity to grow and learn in a pleasant way.

Recently trumpeter and teacher Theo Hartman has been recording within Zoom.us video all kind of repertoire for beginners and more advanced students. Also he is showing several different microphones and interfaces in a selection of videos. On the next pages these musical examples can be watched. Hopefully the videos will be enjoyed and will be useful in making a choice if desired.

A free initial interview with Theo online can be requested to get to know each other, to discuss musical preferences and equipment. Also Theo will demonstrate how the trumpet actually sounds online!

For contact details for your first free online trumpet adventure please go to:

For continuation: