Sonatine voor trompetsolo – Gilles Herbillon

Sonatine voor trompetsolo gecomponeerd door de Franse componist Gilles Herbillon is een waar huzarenstuk voor trompettisten. De solosuite bestaat uit vier delen getiteld: I: Complainte II: Emoi III: Espiègle IV: Toccata. Deel I: Complainte is hier te beluisteren. Veel luisterplezier! Bij de YouTube toelichting staat de volgende informatieve Engelse tekst over dit deel. De overige delen worden ook spoedig ook op YouTube geplaatst.
Sonatine for trumpetsolo by French composer Gilles Herbillon consists of four movements. The parts are titled I: Complainte II: Emoi III: Espiègle IV: Toccata Dutch trumpeter Theo Hartman performing here the first movement which has a lyrical melody going into a fierceful climax after which the first theme returns towards the end of this beautiful movement. Sonatine as a trumpet suite is a very demanding and challenging concertpiece which deserves all possible attention. There are two separate scores for b-flat trumpet and c-trumpet. For sound purposes the choice has been made to use a b-flat trumpet. This performance has been recorded at Studio Sophia in The Hague in The Netherlands on 1-4-2019. The audio has been recorded with a ZoomQ8 camera and SSH-6 microphone. 



Geplaatst in Productions,